503 Server Error problem


I suddenly started getting an error message:
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 503 Server Error: Service Unavailable for url: https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/ <project id>

I have a Core plan, I have only used 2,900 queries out of 100,000 today. Nothing has changed in the code, just can’t connect to the server.

What could be the problem?

Hi, @VrajaKd! Welcome to the Infura Community! Our underlying infrastructure is experiencing service outage for our Ethereum Mainnet API. Most of the Mainnet subservices are returning to normal at this moment. Please subscribe to https://status.infura.io/ to check the latest!

@VrajaKd The services are coming back online, can you please check on your side if everything works fine?
Note, the Archive requests are still offline and recovering.