Cannot bridge crETH or crUSDC from ConsensysZkEVM to Goerli

I cannot bridge crETH or crUSDC from ConsensysZkEVM to Goerli using Metamask. Trying to connect to Metamask gives: " You Must Change Networks

We’ve detected that you need to switch your wallet’s network from unknown to unknown for this Dapp.

**Some wallets may not support changing networks. If you can not change networks in your wallet you may consider switching to a different wallet.*"

Switching networks from Metamask wallet won’t work, thus I cannot bridge from ConsensysZkEVM to Goerli.

I’m using Firefox for my Metamask wallet.

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Hey, make sure you have been whitelisted for zkEVM.

The steps on onboarding are listed here:

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Email valid problem in verification

Closing this topic as it is zkEVM related and not Infura related. Please direct all zkEVM questions to the zkEVM channel in the ConsenSys Discord. You can find an invite to the ConsenSys Discord at the bottom of: