eth_sendRawTransaction fail (no answer for long time)

Hi all!
I’m trying to send transaction:
and get cURL error again and again during the day:
cURL returns [error] => (28) Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 out of -1 bytes received

Other transactions performed without problems (from first try/request)

Hi @EtherAPI_Support . We’ve had a few other users reporting similar issues. This is sometimes occurring due to a node timing out the JSON-RPC response but still properly receiving and propagating the transaction over the peer-to-peer network. We are hoping to roll out an infrastructure update next week which should help resolve this issue.

I want to emphasize that the problem is only with this transaction
Other transactions performed without problems (from first try/request)

Thanks. It looks like this transaction was eventually processed successfully. Please let us know if you encounter this issue again.