Events not showing up on mainnet

Im having problems with contract events on mainnet since 21/01/2020.

Im connected to wss:// API KEY xxxxxxxxxxxx

> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_newFilter","params":[{"topics": ["0x1dadc8d0683c6f9824e885935c1bec6f76816730dcec148dda8cf25a7b9f797b"], "fromBlock": "0x8E3FBD", "address": "0xb3Fe6f0eB663DbE4D4813Ee32d6f30d64640D2f8" }], "id":1}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":"0x443df35cd8c5130140b079718ada1600"}
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getFilterLogs","params":["0x443df35cd8c5130140b079718ada1600"],"id":2}

That commands should get some events as in this TX.

Im not getting any event from the socket though. Please can someone from the team shed a light on this?!.


Hi there, sorry for the troubles with this! I was indeed able to reproduce it. One workaround I found was reducing the number of events returned in the result, e.g.

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_newFilter","params":[{"topics": ["0x1dadc8d0683c6f9824e885935c1bec6f76816730dcec148dda8cf25a7b9f797b"], "fromBlock": "0x8e65ab", "address": "0xb3Fe6f0eB663DbE4D4813Ee32d6f30d64640D2f8" }], "id":1}

We’re looking into dealing better with large results in this scenario, but for now maybe you can split up the query into narrower fromBlock/toBlock windows?


We made improvements to our websocket endpoint today to allow for larger amounts of data to be returned. I have confirmed that the previous request is now returning data. Please keep in mind that larger amounts of data will take longer to return and may affect the response times for other requests being returned on the same connection.

Let me know if you have questions or problems with your requests