Filecoin API : ChainGetTipSetByHeight cannot get any response?

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user a:b --url --data '{ "id": 0, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Filecoin.ChainGetTipSetByHeight", "params": ["ChainEpoch":407137] }' 

1.input params is correct? format and value?
2.execute this command and then cannot output any response value , what’s happend ?


Hello @shibo Welcome to the Infura community.
Here’s the documentation for the ChainGetTipSetByHeight

Can I assume that the a:b value equals to <PROJECT_ID>:<PROJECT_SECRET>
The params value will need to be Array of ChainEpoch (integer) or TipSetKey (string) 2 items. In your example, you have an array of strings and integers.

Are you getting back any response from the request? If so can you help to share the full response message with us?

Thanks for your response , Lily ~
Can I assume that the a:b value equals to <PROJECT_ID>:<PROJECT_SECRET>
–> Yes ,a–ProjectID and b–ProjectSecret .

Are you getting back any response from the request? If so can you help to share the full response message with us?
–>Cannot geting back any response .

In your example, you have an array of strings and integers. ,
–> Would you like give me a specific example ?

You had “ChainEpoch”:407137, so let’s try [ 407137, 40137 ] so we can have an array of only integers.

@Lily using the format [ 407137, 40137 ] I’m getting this error:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"error":{"code":-32700,"message":"unmarshaling params for 'Filecoin.ChainGetTipSetByHeight' (param: *types.TipSetKey): json: cannot unmarshal number into Go value of type []cid.Cid"}}

I’m also getting the same issue (no response) in other methods like StateMarketDeals

@rajdeep Hello. Can you take a look at the struct type for the chain epoch?

Try this: [ 407137, null ]