Filecoin PushMessage permission?

Hi. Im trying push a filecoin message, it asks for write permission :man_shrugging:

{“id”: 4,“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,“method”: “Filecoin.MpoolPush”,“params”: [{“Message”:{“Version”:0,“To”:“”,“From”:“”,“Nonce”:,“Value”:“123456”,“GasLimit”:430268,“GasFeeCap”:“101351”,“GasPremium”:“0”,“Method”:0,“Params”:null,“CID”:{“/”:“”}},“Signature”:{“Type”:1,“Data”:“”},“CID”:{“/”:“”}}]}
< {“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“id”:4,“error”:{“code”:1,“message”:“missing permission to invoke ‘MpoolPushUntrusted’ (need ‘write’)”}}

Hi @zhengxingao - we’re currently working on our MPoolPush support to address this and expect to have a fix for that soon. I’ll give an update on this thread when that’s put in place.

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi @zhengxingao, we just deployed a fix for MpoolPush, please give it another try!

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Yes, it’s working :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Can you please check this message for me?
The gas price is rather high, but it’s stuck in mempool. :shushing_face:

@zhengxingao Can you confirm whether you ever saw this message anywhere on the network after sending it to us? On filfox perhaps? I’m trying to figure out whether we failed to broadcast this message, or if it was dropped from the mempool. Because presently I can’t find it on filfox.

I have not seen it on filfox or filscan. StateSearchMessage returns empty.

I could retrieve it by ChainGetMessage after push,


but when I do it again after some time,

{“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“id”:2,“error”:{“code”:1,“message”:“blockstore: block not found”}}

Okay, we will investigate this. If it is possible for you to send more messages through our API, please let us know if any of them succeed, or if they all fail. That will be useful to know for our investigation.

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Hi. I tried pushing messages several times today. All messages are not seen on network.

Hi @zhengxingao, sorry for the late reply. We are continuing to work with Protocol Labs to figure out why this is not working as expected, thanks for your patience!


@zhengxingao this is now fixed! Sorry it took so long! Give it a try!


I confirm it’s fine. :dancing_men: