How ETH2 API can be accessed after deprecation?


Recently I have used ETH2 beta API for example:

In the announcement it’s said following: All Ethereum endpoints on and after October 12, 2022 will now be found on an existing Web3 API Key or by creating a new Web3 API Key.

But when I create Web3 API Key, I can’t access API or find any alternative endpoint.
Could you please suggest how it can be accessed?

Thank you

Hi there @dhavryliuk and welcome to the Infura community.

The beacon chain API has been decommissioned and the API keys for the Beacon Chain have been deprecated. Should you still need to make beacon API calls going further, you will need to find another solution like running your own consensus layer client.

After creating a new Web3 API Key you will find all the endpoints for the Ethereum Mainnet, test nets (Goerli and Sepolia), Polygon, together with the other networks and layer2s which Infura supports, by going to your dashboard (Ethereum API | IPFS API & Gateway | ETH Nodes as a Service | Infura) and from there by clicking the MANAGE KEY on your web3 project.
The first tab which opens after clicking Manage Key is the Endpoints one. Kindly check the below link as well:
API key - Infura Docs

Hope this helps,

So the Infura nodes are blocking access to the consensus API?

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET<key>/node/genesis
404 page not found


not blocking. We don’t provide a consensus layer API any longer. . Should you still need to make beacon API calls going further, you will need to find another solution like running your own consensus layer client.


Thanks, ok, I see this can be done, but now I wonder do I misunderstand something about Infura’s Goerli testnet service? Doesn’t it run actual Ethereum nodes, which nowadays would need to have consensus (Beacon) nodes running alongside them? Are there scalability or other issues associated with exposing the APIs of those consensus nodes, or does Infura rely on some external consensus provider?