How to get Price from liquidity pools on polygon?

Hi guys, I need to get price information with Infura SDK form liquidity pools on polygon.
can you advice me on how to start with the development?


Hi there @plutunieer and welcome to the community.
Can you provide more details on your question? Also can you please let us know what SDK you are referring to? Is is the NFT one?


Hi radu, thank you.
I’m not a Web a 3 developer, hence no experience with SDK. I would like to start learning with a small project. The project application gets the price for token pairs from liquidity pools on uniswap .
I’m not referring to any specific SDK, more asking which SDK from infura to use for that purpose.


Hey, we don’t have a tutorial for that specific topic. If you are new to the web3 space I’d suggest to familiarize yourself with Infura and our docs are good starting point. They contain everything from making the first calls, descriptions of each json-rpc method we support for the Ethereum and layer 2 networks and also tutorials on layer2s including polygon.

Also there’s a Support Tips section on our community page containing "how-to"s created by our team which can get new users up to speed and also provide a good learning base.

Hope this helps


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