Ipfs.name.publish() is not working with infura


I am using the infura api for IPFS and able to make the ipfs.add() through the infura.
With Ganache(local network) is working fine for ipfs.add() and ipfs.name.publish() as in the ipfs documentation https://docs.ipfs.io/reference/api/http/
But while using the public network through infura I am unable to post the request for ipfs.name.publish().
I am connecting to Infrua through
var ipfsClient = require(‘ipfs-http-client’)
var ipfs = ipfsClient({ host: ‘ipfs.infura.io’, port: ‘5001’, protocol: ‘https’ })

Whether we can do POST the publish request for IPFS through infura?
Please help me out

Thank you

Hi there, we do not support the .name() methods unfortunately. If you describe your use case for needing this possibly we could recommend an alternative solution.

Is still the case as of 2020? ipns.name.publish also seems to not be working for me with infura.

My use case would be publishing to IPNS through infura from an application not running an IPFS node.

Unfortunately this is still not supported, we are actively working on a big new release that will be the ground work for these types of new features. Please stay tuned and thank you for your patience.

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Is IPNS supported now?

Hi @farunurisonmez.

Unfortunately, IPNS is not supported by Infura as of now.