Live: Changes to the go-ipfs API, including upgrading to v0.11.0

:loudspeaker: Live: Changes to the go-ipfs API, including upgrading to v0.11.0 2nd March 2022 15:00 UTC.
Please read this post to see if you will be impacted:point_down:

how long is this going to take? we’ve changed over to post instead of get for the dag_get endpoint and running into issues…

This is the POST we are making:

what are we doing wrong?

On Our side, the image is coming but in some other format … we are using “post” it’s working well on postman

but the data returned in some other format …

But on react native (mobile app) the data returned is empty

Please, help

these new changes of 1st march are really causing issues

Hi - what s the response you get with this command?

Please could you post your command and what you see as a response?

this is the request

and this is the reponse

somekind of data is coming, the whole system has stopped working, previously it was sending image please help @saronimo

What is the file meant to be?

it’s meant to be an image

What do you see on the Visualise or pretty tabs?

same random symbols just a bit more alligned

I used the curl command and could see the image

~ % curl -X POST -u “:” “” > /where/to/save

yes, but on postman and on my code it’s not-working, can you check it on your side

I’m not too familiar with postman, but I did get what looks to be the same result as you (i.e. not the image). What did it show before? Did you try with cirl cmd?