Start the EthQL Server using INFURA_ID: "lerna: command not found"

Hello, and thank you in advance.

In the contest of using EthhQL and following the steps from:

Under " No Client; No problem", once

  • I cloned git repo
  • I cd ethql

When I try starting EthQL server using Infura I get an error:

  • Command: INFURA_ID="<my_project_id>" yarn dev
  • Error:
    yarn run v1.22.10
    $ lerna link && lerna run --stream dev
    /bin/sh: lerna: command not found
    error Command failed with exit code 127.

Did anyone encounter same error?

Please let me know if you need additional information.
Thank you very much

Hi @Riccardo_Anacar and welcome to the Infura community! This is actually an old hackathon project that is no longer being hosted. We do have a more updated blog post that should provide you with some helpful information and links to help you with EthQL!

Hi Leiya, thank you for the reply: I will follow your suggestion/link, Riccardo

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