Support for eth_feeHistory?

Hi there. Are you planning on supporting the new 1559 RPC API call eth_feeHistory ? I set up a Goerli endpoint and tried calling it, but got The method eth_feeHistory does not exist/is not available .

Hi @RussD! The geth team hasnā€™t released a version that includes eth_feeHistory yet, but when they do, weā€™ll schedule an update to that version and we will support it.

Oh ok, sorry, I thought geth included this already. Good to hear that you are going to support it though. :+1:

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This is still not supported, right?

hi @ccerrillo, it should be in Ethereum | Infura Documentation

Thanks !

Iā€™m getting this:

{ā€œjsonrpcā€:ā€œ2.0ā€,ā€œerrorā€:{ā€œcodeā€:-32600,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œinvalid json requestā€}}

with the example in doc:

curl -X POST --data ā€˜{
ā€œidā€: 1337,
ā€œjsonrpcā€: ā€œ2.0ā€
ā€œmethodā€: ā€œeth_feeHistoryā€,
ā€œparamsā€: [ā€œ0x5ā€, ā€œlatestā€, []]

there is a missing coma after this, Iā€™ll make sure we correct it. Try this:

curl -X POST --data ā€˜{
ā€œidā€: 1337,
ā€œjsonrpcā€: ā€œ2.0ā€,
ā€œmethodā€: ā€œeth_feeHistoryā€,
ā€œparamsā€: [ā€œ0x5ā€, ā€œlatestā€, ]

OMG! Itā€™s true, thanks!

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