Uh oh! Your link is broken (Email verification process)

When you sign up for an Infura account we will send you an email to confirm you own the email address. You will see this page:

verify account

If you don’t get an email, check your spam folder, etc. If after 5 minutes, no email arrives click “RE-SEND EMAIL” and wait another 5 minutes. Open a case (Contact Us | Infura) if the email does not arrive the second time.

NOTE that you can’t use a “CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS” link after it’s been used (even unsuccessfully), or if a new one has been generated. You should always request a “fresh” one and use the latest.

If you get this page after clicking on the link in the email:

Before contacting support, you should try logging in again (https://infura.io/login) with the email and password you chose. (You can use the “Forgot your password?” link if necessary.) After logging in you will get the “Verify your Account” screen again.

Click “RE-SEND EMAIL” and wait for it to arrive. Again click “CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS” in the email and you should be verified OK and be presented with your account’s dashboard.

Any problems, open a support case and we’ll help you.