Very low rate limit

In general I have project IDs that are well below the threshold for free accounts, and average less than 5,000 calls per day, but these requests often come in short bursts.

I’ve recently hit rate limits for the first time that seem quite low. For example:

{“rate”:{“allowed_rps”:1.2,“backoff_seconds”:28,“current_rps”:1.6333333333333333},“see”:“"},“message”:"project ID request rate exceeded”}

It’s true I would have exceeded 1.2 RPS but it would have been in a 10-20 second burst, and then backing off. I don’t think I would have even had a sustained rate of requests for longer than a minute.

Any guidance here would be appreciated so I can avoid call failures on brief bursty workloads.


We are aware of this limitation, for this reason could you send out an email to with the following :

  • email registration used in Infura
  • ProjectID

Thank you