What means "rejected due to project ID settings"?

{“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“error”:{“code”:-32002,“message”:“rejected due to project ID settings”}}

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This means that you have configured settings for your project in the Security section of the dashboard that is preventing your request from being served. You can read more about the settings here, https://infura.io/docs/gettingStarted/whitelisting

Mike is right! But Specifically, double check if you have whitelisted your contract address/any addresses that your app uses and they perform transactions or transact on Ethereum blockchain(mainnet or testnet) and it might just solve your issue. Also, check if you have your private key required enabled on the project dashboard for every request via infura. If its enabled, it might be the issue, either pass the private key or disable it all together.


Hi Mike. I have whitelisted my two Ganache addresses in my Infura project and do not have “private key” enabled. I still receive this same error. Any thoughts?

I would try removing your whitelisted contracts from the list and see if that works. If that still does not work, it’s likely something else you’re setting that is blocking. If you set no contracts in the whitelisting address section all contracts will work.

Sorry Mike. Can you clarify for me the difference between whitelisted “addresses” and “contracts”? If I had previously used this Project to deploy a test contract, would that need to be whitelisted as well? Might it be better just to create a new project and start off clean? Thanks for your help!

You can add any Ethereum public address or contract address to the Whitelist Address list in the Dashboard. Contract and Addresses are synonymous in this case.

I recommend clearing that list to see if that’s what is causing you to get blocked. Testing from a new account would also work.

Hooray!!! It worked! Thank you so much! I was stuck here for 3 days.

I am running into this issue right now and its really difficult to determine where the problem is coming from. Would it be possible to see what exactly is getting rejected and why? Spitting this out in the logging would be a big help.

Hi @aaely - welcome to the Infura community!

Did you try clearing your AllowList in your Dashboard? We also recently updated our Project Settings - check out this blog post for more info!

If you’ve already done that, I’d suggest testing from a new account, as Mike suggested above. Otherwise, please send over the full error message you’re getting as well as a screenshot of your project settings (feel free to block out any privileged information like your Project Secret/ID/JWT tokens).

I do not have permission. Do I need to set the project ID?I have an error: I have rejected due to project ID Settings

Hi @fuyundian, and welcome to the Infura community! You should be using the Project ID found in your Infura dashboard where you created the project. You can also copy the endpoint you’re wanting directly from your dashboard (i.e. https://.infura.io/v3/<project_id>).

setting was rejected(https://kovan.infura.io/v3/8d26f25e56e845378450489298343f09)

Hi @fuyundian, can you please post the code you’re using when you get that error message, as well as the full error message? That will help us better debug.

In my case, it was the “Require project secret for all requests” that was ticked. Once I unticked that, I was able to deploy.

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Thanks you!! I just need to whitelist my address in Infura and the error went away.

This is terribly generic error code, good looking out!