Connect python to infura: invalid sender pls

Hi, i try connect to infura with my code python but i recive this message: invalid sender. Somebody know why?

def enviarBlockchain(datosfinal,viaje):

url = “

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(url))

w3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)

abigail = [


"anonymous": "false",

"inputs": [


    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "uint256",

    "name": "viajeId",

    "type": "uint256"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "ciaId",

    "type": "string"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "address",

    "name": "userAddress",

    "type": "address"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "bool",

    "name": "eco",

    "type": "bool"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "facturaId",

    "type": "string"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "uint256",

    "name": "km",

    "type": "uint256"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "hashProveedor",

    "type": "string"



    "indexed": "false",

    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "huellaCO2",

    "type": "string"



"name": "nuevoViaje",

"type": "event"



"constant": "false",

"inputs": [


    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "ciaId",

    "type": "string"



    "internalType": "address",

    "name": "userAddress",

    "type": "address"



    "internalType": "bool",

    "name": "eco",

    "type": "bool"



    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "facturaId",

    "type": "string"



    "internalType": "uint32",

    "name": "km",

    "type": "uint32"



    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "hashProveedor",

    "type": "string"



    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "huellaCO2",

    "type": "string"



"name": "registrarViaje",

"outputs": [],

"payable": "false",

"stateMutability": "nonpayable",

"type": "function"



"constant": "false",

"inputs": [


    "internalType": "uint256",

    "name": "",

    "type": "uint256"



"name": "viajes",

"outputs": [


    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "ciaId",

    "type": "string"



    "internalType": "address",

    "name": "userAddress",

    "type": "address"



    "internalType": "bool",

    "name": "eco",

    "type": "bool"



    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "facturaId",

    "type": "string"



    "internalType": "uint32",

    "name": "km",

    "type": "uint32"



    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "hashProveedor",

    "type": "string"



    "internalType": "string",

    "name": "huellaCO2",

    "type": "string"



"payable": "false",

"stateMutability": "view",

"type": "function"




contractDeployed = w3.eth.contract(abi=abigail,address=“0xaC9A998A3E6F91953e64ED32cD64b9b4B0C68937”)

w3.eth.defaultAccount = “0xcf9833c6b3DBb19F16De86107D8319156e602614”

#nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(‘0xcf9833c6b3DBb19F16De86107D8319156e602614’)

Key = “1e0936afaeaafe8afa0016bf47aa8d6d2e6a27fd5ffe05039dcac42707d9e33d”

print(“Llamada metodo w3*****”)

tx_hash = contractDeployed.functions.registrarViaje(“Atos”,“0xcf9833c6b3DBb19F16De86107D8319156e602614”,True,str(datosfinal[‘viaje’][‘receipt’][‘idreceipt’]),int(datosfinal[‘viaje’][‘receipt’][‘distance’]),‘Nestor’,‘1’).buildTransaction({‘chainId’: 1,‘gas’: 70000,‘gasPrice’: w3.toWei(‘1’, ‘gwei’),‘nonce’: 1,})

print(“Llamada Transaction w3*****”)

enviar_transaction = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx_hash, private_key=Key)






tx_string = json.loads(tx_json)



Hi @Alvaro_BF, and welcome to the Infura community!

Can you please provide us with the full error message you’re receiving? Once we have that, we can better assist you in troubleshooting.

Hi @Alvaro_BF, from this thread I found on StackOverflow, you may need to add network information while signing the transaction. If you need more information, you can refer to the latest web3 docs.

i resolved my problem. thanks very much for your attention

Excellent! Would you mind sharing how you solved it for others who may run into the same issue? Thanks!