Error Project ID does not have access to archive state when migrate


I’m currently work with infura project for a number (~180) smart contracts and need to deploy.
I use kovan network and deploy using truffle migrate. But recent days, when i run script migrate to file migration number 10 or 11 (i had about 19 file migration) i meet this error: Project ID does not have access to archive state This can be meet randomly at any migration call.

Maybe this relate to the archived data of 128 blocks. Because when migrate it usually meet the error after 10 min of deploy which approximately equal time of 128 block in kovan testnet?

Does anyone met this error or know the root cause please let me know.


Hi @Hung_Pham, certain methods require archive data and your account needs that add-on in order to access it. Documentation for the requirement can be found here.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Hi, I am also getting this error. How do I connect my project to archival data? Thanks