eth_sendRawTransaction transaction hash

Hi all.
Sometimes eth_sendRawTransaction going wrong with this message: Transaction receipt was not generated after 600 seconds for transaction:
My question is: why if the system has the transaction hash, they don’t respond immediately after and not after it is mining?
Geth works like this.

To confirm the issue you are seeing, you are submitting a txn using eth_sendRawTransaction and not immediately getting a transaction hash back or after querying for the transaction receipt using the transaction hash you are not able to get a receipt?

Submitting a txn using eth_sendRawTransaction and not immediately getting a transaction hash back

We investigating the response times on our side and we are not seeing any issues, are you still seeing these issues? Can you provide us with code snippet and full error response?

Sorry mike but i’m checking better the library i used and immediately after calling eth_sendRawTransaction, they call eth_getTransactionReceipt and sure, it’s is not available for pending transactions.

My mistake

No problem! Glad you figured it out.

Hi, Me too facing the Same problem.
Submitting a txn using eth_sendRawTransaction and not immediately getting a transaction hash back. I have searched the infura library and i didn’t know where to remove the “eth_getTransactionReceipt”.
Kindly suggest me where “eth_getTransactionReceipt” function was called after "eth_sendRawTransaction " such that i will remove this function and get the Transaction Hash immediately after sending transaction.

Hi @ashokrajd can you provide us the txn hash you are seeing this issue with? Has this occurred multiple times and have you tried delaying the getTransactionReceipt call after the sendRawTransaction?