Gateway Timeout ipfs-copy

I am using ipfs-copy to migrate my files from ipfs dekstop.

everything works fine but at the very end i get an error

Streaming pins from source IPFS node…
[ERROR] Failed pinning CID ‘my hash ID’ pin/add Gateway Timeout

any help?

Hi @satorii and welcome to our Infura community.

We have currently rate limits on the gateway and they depend on the load. How exactly are you trying to upload these files? Any specific code or tool you could share with us?

i am using ipfs-copy tool from github, it has rate limiting which seems to work well since it gets through all the data without failing to push 1 block.

i am migrating a folder from my local ipfs desktop node

its uploading a folder with 3000 files around 2.9GB

ipfs-copy --source-api-url=http://localhost:5001 --project-id=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID> --project-secret=<YOUR_PROJECT_SECRET>

this seems to work but at the very end when it goes to pin all 3000 items inside the folder i’m uploading…it fails to pin the CID due to a gateway error timeout.

Streaming pins from source IPFS node…
[ERROR] Failed pinning CID ‘my hash ID’ pin/add Gateway Timeout

takes like an 1 and a half hours just to get that error message. Since it displays it after it goes through all 3000 files. Any help would be appreciated.

Ive tried on linux and windows … also my friend tried. We all get the same gateway timeout error.

@satorii Thank you for your time.

Yes, our IPFS gateway is hitting rate limits at this moment, they are dynamic depending on the number of requests and load. Our team is working to provide a meaningful error message and suggestions for backoff slots between the uploads.
I’m afraid we don’t have yet a paid service to allow higher rps for upload on ipfs.

The only suggestion I can give right now is to try uploading smaller batches and with a timeout between them (try 30s - 1min).