Getting a Error: execution reverted: ERC20: transfer from the zero address


I am using web3js, Infura, and Truffle on the Ropsten testnet to do an ERC20 transfer (smart contract object is using the send() method.

I am able to print the estimateGas() for the ERC20 transfer, but when I use send(), I get the following: Error: execution reverted: ERC20: transfer from the zero address

 const transfer_funds = quad_ek.methods.transfer(tenth_account, web3.utils.toWei("15000000"))
    const gas_transfer = await transfer_funds.estimateGas({
        from: signInfo.address,
    console.log("gas for transfer", gas_transfer)

    const tx_2 = await transfer_funds.send({
        from: signInfo.address,
        gas: await transfer_funds.estimateGas(),
        gasPrice: gasPrice

    console.log("tx_2", tx_2)


gas for transfer 52395

Error: execution reverted: ERC20: transfer from the zero address

Hey Emily,

Thanks for reaching out! Is there anyway to see more of your code? In particular I would like to see the gas limits. Can you please try raising the gas limit in the meantime and retrying the transaction?

Kind regards,
Alex | Infura Support | ConsenSys