调用infura filecon节点接口时报错

按照请求官方接口的方式请求infura节点时会报错Bad Request,让我很疑惑,我想问题是出在参数之一的TipSetKey上,这个参数应该如何传?才能让接口顺利返回数据?


hi @1254030480, what is the exact request you’re running ? It seems to work for me:

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json”
–url https://project_id:project_secret@filecoin.infura.io
-d ‘{ “jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method”: “Filecoin.StateMinerPower”, “params”: [“f0688165”, null], “id”: 3 }’

Thanks !


Hmm, I’m not aware of an api method that would return this from an older block height, maybe the filecoin community could help ?
Here’s the TipSetKey definition: https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blob/master/chain/types/tipset_key.go