ITX with ERC-2771 trustedForwarder


I have a contract that implements ERC-2771 (Meta Transactions - OpenZeppelin Docs) and trying to understand how to use it with ITX.

In the documentation, Transactions - Infura Documentation, it mentions that it is possible but does not describe how.

Within my smart contract code, I’m verifying isTrustedForwarder(address), which is used to override _msgSender() which can be applied to my transactions. Can you provide some clear examples on how to achieve this?

Hello @tpae

We don’t have a concrete implementation for EIP-2271 with ITX, but our team recommends getting your contract working without using ITX altogether. (Send a transaction to the network and the contract validates it correctly)

Then, the only difference is that you send us the tx data as opposed to sending it yourself to the network.

Hello @Flaveeu, our contract works with OpenZeppelin Defender and Biconomy, so wasn’t sure if this was supported by ITX (sounds like it’s not)

I still don’t understand what you mean:

Then, the only difference is that you send us the tx data as opposed to sending it yourself to the network.

It still sounds very cryptic to me, it would be best if you just said “no we don’t support it” that way we don’t spend all this time digging through the rabbit hole. The reality is, ITX doesn’t work for ERC-2771. Please prove me otherwise!



Any update on this?

We are facing the same problem