[Mainnet] Get all Transactions from address

Hi guys,
I’m working on a project which require me to get balance and transactions from ethereum address.
I’m using Infura Mainnet and get the balance successfully. But with transactions, I don’t know how to get them using ethereum address.
Could you guys please give me some help!
Thanks a lot!

Hi @Trong_Tran - welcome to the Infura community! Check out the responses on this post - they should help guide you in the right direction. If you have further questions after trying those out, please send us the code you’re currently using to get the balance and transactions, and we’ll see what we can do to help you!

Thanks Leiya to getting back to me.
Actually, I want to use the webapi to get all the transaction in the pass, not websocket.
I can see eth_getTransactionByHash api but it is required Transaction hash which I cannot know how to get via api.
Can you help, please!

Hi @Trong_Tran, you’ll see the tx hashes in the blocks, check this out https://medium.com/coinmonks/monitoring-an-ethereum-address-with-web3-js-970c0a3cf96d