Polygon API Now Available

Hi everyone!

We just launched our new Polygon PoS network API! Read all about it in our blog post.

We are super excited to see all the amazing work our community is going to build on Polygon and we are here to help if you have any questions.

Stay tuned for more new features, networks, and products coming soon!

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Thanks for adding Polygon. I am a new here and I came for Polygon. Thus far I canā€™t find it. I did create a test project for Ethereum and web3 worked fine there. Now I want to do the same for Polygon but the only options seem to be Ethereum, ETH 2, and Filecoin. (Yes I selected the Polygon add-on when I signed up for my free account and when I review my account details it shows that as well.)

Looking forward to testing out this system on Polygon and getting something real going that would turn me into a paying customer.

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Hey @Rock, and welcome to the Infura community!

Polygon utilizes the standard Ethereum JSON RPC spec - you can check out their docs here, which should point you in the right direction (just sub in Infura URLs).

Our documentation can also be found here, which is linked in the blog post from the announcement above!

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I have a question. Is this going to be free forever under the CORE plan?

Hi @soldatchristi, and welcome to the Infura community!
The Polygon API will not be free forever, but we will be sure to announce when the free trial is ending.

Is there an archive support / addon packet for Polygon API?

Hi @John_Stowers, and welcome to the Infura community! We do currently support archive, and there isnā€™t currently an add-on. That may change, however, but for now itā€™s not required.

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Iā€™ve noticed that there is no websocket endpoint shown for Polygon. Is support for websocket connections expected in future?

Hi @tomfrench, and welcome to the Infura community!
We are currently discussing websocket support and will be sure to update the community when we have reached a decision!

I can see that the Polygon API is free for now - but is it possible to use it without entering a credit card number?

Hi @eyalc, and welcome to the Infura community! Iā€™ve answered that question above in this thread.

Hi Leiya,

A few days ago I received a mail ā€˜your subscription to the polygon api will renewā€™, is this the announcement you mentioned, or is this just a monthly notification? I.e. there will be a seperate announcement when the trial period is over, or this is that announcement?


Hi @m.weegink, and welcome to the Infura community! That is just a monthly notification - we will definitely make it clear when the trial period is over that your card will begin to be charged after x date so you have a very clear heads up :slight_smile:

I am not able to point my "Ethereum "projects to polygon or any other network for that matter
always switches back to mainnet

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Hi @blockchainpcn, and welcome to the Infura community! In order to use any of the networks besides Ethereum mainnet, you simply choose a network from this list and put that URL into your code where the endpoint belongs.

In your settings, if you go into your projectā€™s ā€œSETTINGSā€ page, you can select whichever endpoint you want to use and the endpoints automatically update with that network information (i.e. if you choose ā€œPolygon Mainnetā€ from the dropdown, the endpoint automatically updates to ā€œhttps://polygon-mainnet.infura.io/v3/ā€¦ā€. Note: you do not need to refresh the page for this to occur.

I canā€™t seem to use the polygon endpoint, when I try to use the endpoint in my code I get a Returned error: project ID does not have access to polygon l2 error.

Any ideas?

Hi @philogy, and apologies for the delay in response. If you are getting this error message, it means you have not activated the Polygon Add-On in your account from the bottom of the Payment Page.

Itā€™s unclear how much it costs, and when the trial period ends, Can someone address pricing for Polygon please?

Is there any update with the websocket support?

Hey @Wyctus, the work is ongoing on WSS on Polygon, but unfortunately, we do not have an ETA to share just yet.