Transactions not getting broadcasted on Testnet - Ropsten and Rinkeby

I am using Infura https endpoints to send a signed transaction and every time I am getting an error that transaction was not mined within 750 seconds. Using the transaction hash that is being returned, I looked up those transactions on testnet etherscan however, the transaction never shows up not even in pending state.

TestNets (and their corresponding etherscan) I tried on:

  1. Rinkeby
  2. Ropsten

Last parameters I used were:
gasPrice: 3000000000,
gasLimit: 30000,
value: 150000000000000

When I am using (or, the transaction comes up in the search result and shows it in pending state.

What is happening? Why my transactions are not getting broadcasted using Infura endpoints?

Hello, @nimishaviraj88 ! Welcome to the community! Can you share the snippet of code that you are using?

Here is my code for Rinkeby:


// -- Step 1: Set up the appropriate configuration
const Web3 = require('web3');
const EthereumTransaction = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction;
const web3 = new Web3('<Project-ID>');

// -- Step 2: Set the sending and receiving addresses for the transaction.
const sendingAddress = '<Sending-Address>';
const receivingAddress = '<Recieving-Address>';

// -- Step 3: Check the balances of each address


// -- Step 4: Set up the transaction using the transaction variables as shown
let rawTransaction = {
  nonce: 0,
  to: receivingAddress,
  gasPrice: 3000000000,
  gasLimit: 30000,
  value: 150000000000000,
  data: '0x546573742052756e',
  chainId: 4

Sign the Transaction

// -- Step 7: Sign the transaction with the Hex value of the private key of the sender
const privateKeySender = '<Private-Key>';
let privateKeySenderHex = Buffer.from(privateKeySender, 'hex');

Send the transaction to the network

.then((nonce) => {
  rawTransaction.nonce = nonce + 1048576;
  return rawTransaction;
.then((rawTx) => {
  let ethTx = new EthereumTransaction(rawTx, {'chain':'rinkeby'});
  return ethTx;
.then((ethTx) => {
  let ethTxSerialized = ethTx.serialize();
  ethTxSerialized = `0x${ethTxSerialized.toString('hex')}`;
  console.log(`Is serialized tx in Hex: ${web3.utils.isHex(ethTxSerialized)}`);
  web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(ethTxSerialized).on('transactionHash', console.log);

For Ropsten, I’m just replacing the Infura Endpoint, Chain ID and chain parameter for ethereum-js transaction constructor to match it with Ropsten’s.

hi @nimishaviraj88, why are you incrementing the nonce here ?

Hi @traian.vila ,

First nonce on TestNet is 1048576 therefore you need to add that offset while calculating nonce on TestNet. If you don’t, you end up with an error “Error: returned error: already known”

Can you please send me a tx hash having this issue ? Thanks !

Hi @traian.vila ,

Tx Hash on Rinkeby: 0x7988bd293880c5090b0e6033922df0eeb8840c7965d465c481aa92a9080d4334

When I manually broadcast this through I see my transaction in pending state in but the same is not happening when I am doing it through my code using Infura. When I am using Infura transaction doesn’t show in etherscan at all while I get an error saying “Transaction was not mined within 750 seconds, please make sure your transaction was properly sent. Be aware that it might still be mined!”

Hey, I’m sorry I still miss why you need to increment the nonce. :slight_smile: The tx is not getting mined because there is a nonce gap, this hash has nonce 1048578 but in fact your sender address should have nonce 2, you have two tx sent already (nonce 0 and 1)

Are you sure that you’re sending the same raw tx through etherscan and infura ? Thanks !

Hey @traian.vila,

I did more research and realized incrementing nonce was a practice before “chain_id” was introduced. I removed the nonce increment and tried again and surprisingly, it went through this time. When I raised this ticket with Infura, the same code was throwing “already known” error even when no such transaction was in queue already which is why I added that nonce increment in the first place. I know for sure because someone else was also facing the exact same issue as I did. Regardless, the issue looks to be resolved now. Thanks a bunch for looking into it and providing your expert advice!

Successful Tx Hash: 0x0b80cee3b18d1bf184a0ad1bd577a9db17da1e18960833d4434cb92bb90398ee

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