What are the limits on subscribing to pending transactions with the free tier?


I know that with the free tier you get 100,000 requests per day but how does this factor in when subscribing to the pending transactions through this tutorial: Subscribe to pending transactions | INFURA . Does every pending transaction I receive when subscribing count as a request? There are millions of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain a day so I need to figure out how to factor this into my algorithm.

Thank you.

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Hi @amichae2, welcome!

For now, we do charge for each rpc request sent over wss, eg:

wscat -c wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/…
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)

We do not charge for events coming over wss, eg subscription events.

Likely you may want to make a new request with the information that came in the event, this would count as a request.


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