Why do so many eth_getTransactionReceipt requests happen when sending funds between accounts

Hello! I am new to working with smart contracts, blockchain, etc.

I have wondering why so many eth_getTransactionReceipt requests happen when sending funds between Ethereum accounts. For instance performing 10,000 fund transfers leads to 10,000 eth_sendRawTransaction requests and 10,000+ eth_getTransactionReceipt requests (counts being viewed in the requests tab).

Does anyone know why this occurs? Thank you for your assistance!

Hi @tuple_tree and welcome to our Infura community. :smiley:

Please note that each transfer on the blockchain is unique (having a unique transaction ID - for traceability) which concludes to the fact that performing 10,000 fund transfers leads to 10,000 eth_sendRawTransactios requests.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Hello @Flaveeu thank you for your response. I believe I was not clear enough with my explanation of my question. For example, when conduction 202 eth_sendRawTransaction requests, I get around 4672 eth_getTransactionReceipt requests. I am getting these numbers from the stats page on Infura.

I saw a few things online about how web3 performs multiple eth_getTransactionReceipt requests per eth_sendRawTransaction, but I do not know if this is true.

Thank you for your help!
